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I love how diaphanous and delicate these materials seem. I think what contributes to the fragility and preciousness of these pieces are the fact that these materials probably wont last more than a day. Inspiring work that challenges the notion of a textile.
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Supersize - Cut-Out Inspiration

KLEMENT - “Supersize” from Château-vacant on Vimeo.

Lately I've been very into low tech methods of animation as perhaps a statement or contrast against the use of CGI. Elements such as these construction paper cut outs have been used many times before and are obviously not a new or very innovative technique. I think what I like about this style is that it is very straight forward, the materials show themselves for what they are, they are a bit crude but in way that gives character.
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CSM/CIP group 7

This is a group project that I have recently worked on looking at the future of food and it's impact on the population. Here is the imagined scenario:

In twenty years time there are many challenges that face the world’s population. Natural resources have diminished, due to our dependence on non-renewable fossil fuels and unsustainable manufacturing and production methods. There is limited living space in all major cities due to overpopulation. Pollution has killed off local and indigenous plant and animal life as well much of the words population of bees. The lack of bee population provides a huge problem, as crops are unable to become pollinated. The effects of global warming are severe and make much of the once fertile farmlands arid and unable to produce food.  

Due to these conditions, there is a severe demand to supply nourishment to the world’s populations. The worlds governments has come up with a solution to this problem by creating “food” manufactured by scientists and doctors, which takes the form of a tablet. This tablet does not require the amount of resources, which traditional farming and food production methods take up. This new food fulfills all of the body’s nutritional requirements, and is quickly adopted by the majority of the population as a cheap, efficient, and more ethical means of nourishment.

The consumption of this pill over time causes the human body’s digestive system to accommodate to this new innovative diet. The structure of the mouth changes and becomes smaller, while teeth and jaw become less pronounced as people do not need to chew. Because the assimilation of nutrients of this tablet into the body is much more efficient, our digestive system adapts. Our esophagus, and other organs become smaller, we also loose most of our large and small intestine as it is the major organs that assimilate nutrients.

People’s daily lifestyle and schedules alters due to the consumption of this new kind of food, restructuring kitchens into storage areas, and bathroom use is reduced in time. This adaptation is beneficial to our harsh living conditions of this future scenario less is required like: living space, energy and resources involved with food production.   Therefore   waste produced due to the consumption and preservation of   food is remnants.

Although bodies and lifestyles have adapted and changed we continue to have our sense of taste. This provides a problem, as the tablet food does not fulfill such primitive desires. As a result individuals have become ill from trying to process natural foods – plant or animal matter that have been grown, with their evolved digestive track. The body simply isn’t able to break down the complex nutrients and fibrous matter as its predecessors. Natural foods containing stimulants such as coffee, cocoa, etc have stronger effects on the body and are taken like drugs. Like their ancestors these people find these stimulants highly addictive, however receiving more severe health conditions as a result of consumption.  

People are led to use the black market and underground services are in effect to provide people with various natural foods to fulfill our antiquated desires for taste. As a result of the health risks and underground food operations, the consumption and selling of natural foods have become illegal and banned.

The video created is a public health warning trying to educate users against the dangers of food buying and consumption. 
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Holy Fuck - Red Lights

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Good Old Oakland

Via Coolhunter
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Charles Clary

Charles Clary is a American artist who creates mind blowing installations out of layers of colored paper, organic forms are inspired by bacteria colonies and topographic views. Via Designboom
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Stay Down Champion, Stay Down

By Los angeles-based studio sports  this installation consists of a series of  terracotta tiles, the floor of the gallery breaks away from its traditional flat plane to create a colorful and undulating landscape that guests can maneuver through on foot. the protruding areas of this landscape are composed of a series of handmade tiles that sit atop a grid of gradually elevating transparent acrylic supports. vibrant and colorful lighting contrasts the digital-like surface, creating a compelling visual and spatial experience that rivals the lure of the infamous sidewalk beyond the gallery. Via Designboom

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A beautiful and disturbing video by brazilian student Uira Lamour using CG techniques to emphasize aesthetic. via the fox is black
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Bad Things That Could Happen

Bad Things That Could Happen from This Is It on Vimeo.

Photography – Thomas Bolwell
Sound Design – Andrew Kinnear
Music – Andrew Kinnear & Joseph Pelling
Make Up – Elizabeth Barlow
Via tutor Caroline Till 
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Yayoi Kusama Trailer

It's so interesting to see the process of such an unconventional character, I need to get my hands and eyes on this movie
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Interesting process via the fox is black