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Jet Lag and Cap Blanc - Nez, and Cap Gris - Nez


Jet lag and insomnia, or insomnia from jet lag is a deadly combination. Therefore I'm uploading an extensive amount of pictures of the two Caps of North of France. You can see the white cliffs of Dover from Cap Blanc - Nez
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Moules and Frites!

My Andouillete mmm tripe

The city of Lille in the North of France is a pretty cool place - there is much to do, it's beautiful, but does not have the hectic pace of Paris. I enjoyed my morning here walking around the streets.
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Lille - Monday

Lille is the biggest city next to where Caroline lives. It is quite charming and beautiful. I am afraid I will be able to post sporadically. I am going to be traveling around quite a bit, and the french keyboard is really hard to get used to.